Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Race Committee Meeting #2

Hey gang! The second Race Committee meeting took place last Wednesday, April 15. However, I was on my way home after a great few days in Branson celebrating my birthday instead of attending the meeting. Our fearless leader and Race Chair, Ellen Kreth, was kind enough to contribute a summary of the meeting for your info.

Take it away, Ellen:

We had a great meeting on the 15th.

We opened the meeting with the Race video from 2008. What a great year it was!! Let me hear you say, "Sweet!" This is Komen's Sweet 16!!

We are gearing up for the Team Captains Party to be held July 19 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Hayes Center in North Little Rock. We're excited about the format change. We are hoping to provide Team Captains with more time to ask questions, to visit with other team captains, and to learn more about some of the other activities that take place preceding the Race. We also announced our Team Captain Party Chair had a baby boy April 3!!

This year Komen gave away more than one million dollars in grants. We certainly applaud ourselves for that. But, we also learned from our grants committee that so much more is needed. Komen was submitted needed grant requests for more than triple that amount. That is why the Because I Care pledge program is so important. And, this year, the prizes for the winners of the Because I Care pledge program are even better than last year! While we are so proud of our Race, in that so many people participant, we realize how important our pledge program is and growing it to raise even more money so even more women can receive treatment for breast cancer.

We also announced our start date for a Train for the Cure program -- Monday, Sept. 7 at War Memorial Stadium. Our run/walk clinic will meet every Monday and Thursday night from 6:30 to 7:30. You will be able to register for the clinic when you register online for the 2009 Race, but space is limited.

We are now on Facebook!! Become a fan!! Look for Susan G. Komen for the Cure: Arkansas!! We will post fun and important info!

And finally, for the most fun part(y): May 10, Mothers Day, is also Komen Day at Dickey Stephens, and we are so excited. The Arkansas Travs are going to celebrate Komen by wearing Pink jerseys during the game. Those jerseys will be auctioned off at the end of the game and the money will be donated to Komen. You don't have to be a part of the committee to come to this fun game. We want all friends of Komen there to cheer on the Travs and raise money for Komen!!

Our next meeting is May 20!!

Thanks, Ellen! I also have it on the side that Alana updated the committee by telling them about our Komen Captains. Membership isn't taking off like I expected. Where are you? See the April 7, 2009 post if you missed that information. It's going no where without all of you contributing. Please send me comments or emails if you have suggestions or comments. I'll even take complaints--please be kind. :o)


Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter

Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy and Blessed Easter.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Exciting News!

Bryan Jones and his team at Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods were so kind to set up a social network just for us. I’m sure all of you are at least aware of Facebook (if not completely immersed in it) and probably plenty of other networks out there. Well, Komen Captains is the facebook for all of you (along with us) to be friends.

We would like to keep this as a small group (relatively speaking) to include our team captains and co-captains, so please do NOT invite your whole team to join.

Komen Captains has several features that I think you are really going to enjoy. You can share your stories, comments and ideas with other team captains. New captains can learn from seasoned captains and seasoned captains can learn from new captains. You can share your photos and videos. You can blog. You can read others’ blog posts and see their photos and videos. You can, hopefully, get ideas from others’ projects that have worked and learn from those that didn’t.

I am especially excited about the Forums. I have wanted to set up a message board where all of you could talk to each other, answer questions and share experiences. Forums is my answer. I have set up categories pertaining to different areas of the Race season with a General Chat in case I’ve missed an area. Others may be added as we go.

When starting a discussion, please check to see whether there is already a discussion underway regarding your topic, put it under the category that best fits your topic and create an appropriate Discussion Title. After all, we don’t need all of the discussions under Three Miles of Men to be titled Three Miles of Men. Be a bit more specific. And please play nice.

Moderators will be following along to help and assist where needed. We will also close or delete any discussions we deem inappropriate. There is a Moderator category where each moderator will tell you a little about themselves. If you wish to get in touch with one of us, please feel free to email us.

Have I totally lost you by now? I’m sure all of you just want to know how to join. As this is a private network, you can only join by invitation. Email me your name, team or company, and the email address you want to use at PLEASE also use your name for the Subject of the email. (That helps me.) We will then send you an invitation. Please be patient as we may be flooded with requests here at the beginning.

Once you join, the web address for Komen Captains is

And, in case you are wondering, the blog will continue.
