Paul Allen with the Arkansas Travelers attended to make a presentation of the money raised at the Mother’s Day at Dickey-Stephens Park. The Arkansas Travelers will also have 3 days in August that people who register for the Race will get into the ballgame free.
and Donna Easley, 2010 Race Chair (17th race)
in their pink Arkansas Travelers jerseys
Publishing Concepts sponsored the pink jerseys that were worn by the players and auctioned off after the game. Shari Erwin also told us that Publishing Concepts is working to recruit the largest team of nurses, Nurses for the Girls. They have already begun registration at
The theme for the Race this year is It’s MY RACE to win. The focus for this is to do something (the Race) for you. We tend to do things for others, so this one is for you. Concentrate on yourself and remember that your health is important too. (Please note that we are no longer allowed to have our own race logo. This is simply the theme.)
Team Captain Kits are in process and will be ready for download by the Team Captain Party on July 19. Mary-Margaret has everything under control for the party in spite of her new baby boy—William Terry born April 3. Congratulations, Mom and Dad Marks! And Donna is getting ready to order Boutique items to have on hand.
Train for the Cure has been confirmed at War Memorial Stadium and will be limited to 500 participants. You can register for this program when you register online for the Race beginning July 19. Once 500 have registered, this option will no longer be available.
The Press Conference has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 12, also at War Memorial Stadium.
The Pink Martini Party has been scheduled for September 12 at the home of Cindy and Chip Murphy. Cost will be $75 per person and will include a live auction.
AND the Three Miles of Men Tailgate Party has been set for October 9 at Diamond Bear. Three Miles of Men will also soon be joining Susan G. Komen for the Cure: Arkansas (go join as a fan if you have not already done so) on Facebook.
There was much discussion on Kids for the Cure. I have already posted about the art contest for the t-shirt and I think the other details deserve a post of their own, so I’ll skip that part for now. However, Komen will have a booth at Dino Dash on May 30 to hand out the rules and information concerning the Kids for the Cure T-shirt Contest.
The committee is working on Put a Fork In It. They are contacting restaurants to ask them to donate a portion of their Race Day proceeds. These restaurants will be listed in various places to encourage participants to patronize them after the Race, including the Jumbotron. If you know of any restaurants that might be interested, please let us know.
Vickie Metrailer, Komen Board President, gave us an update from the Board and thanked us for all of our work. That thank you extends to all of you, as we could not have a Race and raise the money without each of you. She began her work with Komen in 1996 when there were 7400 race participants. Last year, there were 46,000 participants and grants were given this year to the total of $1.1 million. THANK YOU!
We also ended the meeting with a presentation. Gracie Kreth attends Crestwood Elementary in North Little Rock where the 5th graders held a Charity Fair. Each charity represented had a booth and each booth had an activity to raise money for their charity. Gracie’s charity was Komen. She had a Mini Race for the Cure and raised $97.75. Way to go, Gracie!
Next meeting is Wednesday, June 17.