Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Team Captain Party

2009 Team Captain’s Party

Susan G. Komen Arkansas Race for the Cure

NEW FORMAT for this event!!!!

Please join us
Sunday, July 19, 2009
2:00 to 4:00

Patrick Henry Hays Senior Citizens Center
401 West Pershing
North Little Rock, AR 72114

In an effort to improve our meeting, we will be having a "fair"
with booths for the different parts of the race.
You will be able to go to any and all of them
to meet your need for information.
Don’t miss the Boutique.

Thank you Papa Johns for the pizza.

Teams are sponsored by:

Updated website available around July 15: http://www.komenarkansas.org/

Team blog: http://arrftcteams.blogspot.com/

Team Social Network: http://www.komencaptains.com/

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Race Committee Meeting #4

The 4th meeting of the Komen Arkansas Race for the Cure took place on Wednesday, June 17, 2009.

125 days to RACE DAY!

The Put a Fork in It Committee sent out 175 letters to local restaurants asking them to participate in this event. Responses are starting to come in. A brochure will be printed to let Race participants know which restaurants are included.

A blog is being developed for the Race.

Sixty entries were received for the Kids for the Cure art contest. The committee has narrowed this down to 20. They hope to announce the winner within a couple of weeks.

The Team Captain Party plans are underway. It will be set up kind of like a career day or science fair. (Don’t forget that the Boutique will also be set up and will have items available now that will not be available by the time Race Space opens in October.)

The Team Captain buttons have been ordered and they are working on a Thank You gift.

The Hot Pink Heroes Luncheon has been scheduled for Thursday, July 16, at Juanita’s. The Because I Care t-shirts will be purple this year with white lettering. The newer ribbon (in the Komen logo) will be used for the I. Top prize will be a travel package to include luggage and airline tickets. Second prize is a piece of jewelry from Stanley’s Jewelry.

Tinkled Pink is working on a flyer but has already “sold” some of the porta-potties to prior participants. (Let us know if your organization is interested in decorating one. Fee is $100 and you do NOT have to do the un-decorating.)

We’re going to Paint the Town Pink. If you have any ideas for this, please let us know.

Remember to register for Train for the Cure when you register online for the Race. There will be a button to click on for this. It is limited to the first 500. This option will disappear once 500 have registered. The first session will be on Labor Day, September 7, at War Memorial Stadium from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sessions are on Mondays and Thursdays. (I imagine this will be a fun time for all with Tbyrd heading it up.)

Sherrye McBryde provided the Executive Director report:

We are very close to the conversion of our new software and website. We have been cleaning up the database and getting it ready for this conversion.

The Community Profile has been completed. This helps to know where to focus the money which is raised. A brief summary of the profile shows that 12.5% of Arkansas families are at or below the poverty level; the median income in Arkansas is $37,555. Both of these put Arkansas 49th out of the 50 states. 22.7% of Arkansas women aged 18 to 64 have no insurance. One positive note is that our mortality rate is equal to the national average. Through this report, the affiliate has determined that they should focus on 20 of the counties in their service area which have no fixed mammography services.

The next meeting is Wednesday, July 15.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Runway to the Cure

Fashion Show & Luncheon
July 24
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
St. Bernards Auditorium

Raffle tickets will be available during the
fashion show for $5 each or 5 for $20
for several valuable prizes. Must be present to win.

Get your tickets today!
VIP Tickets (first 2 rows - 104 seats available)
$30 each or $150 for 6
Regular Tickets
$25 each or $120 for 6

www.stbernardsfoundation.org or call 870-336-5009

Proceeds benefit the Arkansas Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure®