We had our July meeting yesterday (July?! already?) and we had some proud grandmothers announcing the births of their newest grandchildren! Sherrye McBryde and family welcomed grandson Miller (photo below) this week and Shelia Vaught's family welcomed a brand new granddaughter. Congratulations all! It was good to see Amy Treadway back in the fold--lots of hugs to you, Amy.

Now, down to business:
Kids for the Cure design contest has a winner--Owen, a preschooler from the Anthony School. Thanks to our judges from Channel 7 and Burger King for choosing the winner. There were some awesome designs, so I know the judges had a hard time just picking one. Be sure to look for Owen's drawing on the website. Don't forget, the Kids' Race for the Cure will be October 3rd on the State Capitol grounds. Kids who register will get a tee shirt with Owen's winning design. Click here to see the design.
On Sunday, July 18th, Mary Margaret and her crew held an awesome Team Captains Party at the Patrick Henry Hays Center in North Little Rock. Around 150-200 team captains were there to gather Race information, eat Papa John's pizza and win door prizes generously donated by Dillard's! We appreciate Channel 7, Today's THV, and Fox 16 for covering the event. A good time was had by all. If you weren't able to attend Sunday's soiree, please visit the Komen website at www.komenarkansas.org for all the latest news, registration info, blogs, and Facebook pages.
TByrd and her group will continue Fitness for a Cure this year, along with an online Fitness Program for those who do not live here in Central Arkansas. To register for the program here, please register and pay your $10 online. This is limited to the first 500 people. The online program will be no charge.
Changes for the Pasta Party include an earlier starting time at 5:30 pm, up a half hour from previous years. Why the change? Well, you'll just have to be patient and keep an eye on the website! We do need items for the Silent Auction, so if you would like to donate something, please contact us at Komen. Thanks! We're also looking for one or two portable cooktops to borrow.
August is just around the corner, and that means you will find Donna, Sherrye, Emily and many others gathering at the Junction Bridge for the Kickoff Press Conference. Join us, won't you, at 10:30 a.m. on August 11th? We'll see you there.
Men! Registration for 3 Miles of Men is now open! What do you get when you register? A smokin' hot 3MOM tee shirt, and a chance to entertain, encourage and amuse 45,000+ ladies! There's also a Tailgate Party, hosted by Diamond Bear Brewery, which will be happening on October 8th. Contact Matt Propst at mjpropst@pinnaclebsi.com for all the 3MOM happenings!
Tinkled Pink--who doesn't smile at that? Let's encourage our teams to plonk down $100 to be decorators for the day! I know I visited a decorated port-a-potty last year--and even tho I knew that there was a line outside, I had to linger a bit to check out all the pictures & chotchkes that were inside. It certainly tinkled me pink!
Errin Dean had lots of news for us at this gathering. First off, did you know that you can now raise money for Komen by texting? Send "KOMEN" to 20222 and you will have instantly donated $10. You may text up to 3 times, $10 each time. Remember to save 1 of those times so you can text in and donate on Race Day, October 16th.
And if you are visiting any of your doctors between now and September 6 2010, encourage them to be involved with "Doctors for The Cure". For $1000, your doctor will have their name included & prominently displayed at the Survivor Luncheon and Breakfast; they will have their name included in the recognition of "Doctors for the Cure" on the Komen website; they will receive a "Doctors for the Cure" tee shirt, and will also receive a framed certificate of appreciation for participating in the program. For more information contact Amy Treadway or Donna Easley, and encourage all your doctors to be involved.
Also, for $1,000, your business, team, you, anyone can have their name or logo painted on a block along the race route. A pretty inexpensive way to have at least 45,000 potential customers!
The Hot Pink Heroes Luncheon was held June 30th at Cajun's. The people honored were the top fundraisers for last year's race. Honorees included Danielle Smith, who holds "Ropin' For A Cure" every year in memory of her late mother B.J. This year the top 5 fundraisers will win some fabulous prizes--so join in the fun! For starters, $150 will get you a fabulous pink & white "We > Me" tee shirt. A spiffy way to stay cool and stylish while raising money, doncha think?!

And this summer and fall, while you are riding the CATA buses around town, be sure to look for our Komen breast cancer awareness messages inside all the buses and trolleys.
Stay cool!
Peace & hugs,